Thursday, September 12, 2013

Subscribing 101

When we last left off we were discussing the vast amount of information that is available online anytime of the day or night. Let’s, for the sake of your time and the nerves of my editor, focus on only Professional Development information. Deal?

Let’s also start with some presuppositions:

1.       You are already interested in Professional Development, I mean why else would you be reading this particular blog.

2.       You already know how to evaluate information because you probably already spend a great deal of your “free” time looking for information to make you a better teacher or administrator.

3.       You probably already have a mailbox full of Professional Journals that you hope to get time to read because you genuinely want to learn all you can about new trends, techniques and legislation.

Sure, you spend time reading the occasional random blog because you came across it quite by accident or maybe you found it during a pinning frenzy on Pinterest and you like what you’ve read. In fact the next morning you are telling your grade level or department team what you read with great enthusiasm. They hang on your every word and ask with pen in hand what the name of the blog is because they must see what other treasures they can find. And then it hits you. You have no idea the name of the blog and you realize you will never find it again. EVER!!

Well, never fear there is a solution. Most blogs now provide a subscribe feature. Enter your email, select subscribe, confirm your email address and boom, new blog postings show up right in your email. You can either read the contents as you would any message or click on the link and read it online with all of the internet mystique and bells and whistles. (CAUTION: make sure you read several posts before you commit to a subscription. And yes, you can unsubscribe at any time.)

I just added a subscription option to my blog. (That’s right no more waiting on pins and needles and constant checking to see if I have posted.) When you subscribe you get new content in your email. No new content…no email.

 Simply enter your email address and click submit.

You will receive an email to confirm your subscription. Click on the link provided in the email.

Congratulations you have successfully subscribed to your first blog!!! (Unless you’re already a pro, then congratulations to me – I have a subscriber.)

---------  IT Girl

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