Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Stalking 101 aka LIfe Long Learning Part 2

Real authors don’t state their purpose for writing but I feel it is important to let my faithful followers know that I am not chasing my tail and I do have a purpose and a point to this particular series. (Real authors sometimes never know how long the series is going to be or how long it will take to tell the story.) So I guess I’m telling you, my reader, that the purpose of this series is to increase your Professional Learning Network. Followed with the thought that I have no idea how long the series will be. Does that make me not quite a real author?! But at least you now know the purpose should someone ask you to find and read it. J

Ok, let’s get down to business. The idea of a Professional or even Personal Learning Network or Community is not a new idea. It has been around for as long as you have if not longer. For example, your first learning network was your family. You learned the social graces and acceptable behaviors from a variety of interactions with your parents. You often learned what not to do from your siblings, cousins or friends. As you grew older and your “network or community” changed, you may have sought out the smartest kid in Chemistry to sit next to in case you needed some peer tutoring – yes, let’s call it peer tutoring.
 Think back to your first teaching assignment. Didn’t you pick out and latch on to someone who seemed to know the ropes. I know that I did. Her name was Mrs. Marines. The assignment was 4th grade. I had heard about Mrs. Marines from teachers, parents and students. People could not wait to have students in her class. But why? What was it she did that others didn’t? How could I learn what she already knew? That was in the days before new teachers were assigned mentors. I went to the Principal’s office and asked about Mrs. Marines’ duty schedule. (I think I was beginning my career as a stalker at this point.) I then asked to be assigned to the same duty station. This allowed me thirty minutes a week to visit with her about what she did and how she did it. I asked questions and listened. Yes, sometimes I took a notepad and wrote down things she said.

My self-selected mentor assignments didn’t stop with Mrs. Marines. I talked to everyone. If you had great looking bulletin boards or your kids walked in a perfect line down the hallway or if you shared a revolutionary idea in a faculty meeting, you could bet I would darken your doorway looking for tips that would make me a better teacher: a teacher like you. (So thank you to everyone who answered my tedious questions about how you do what you do.)

Well, now that we have the Internet and unlimited access to just about any information source imaginable, you can learn from other great people anytime of the day or night. That’s right; your PLN is no longer limited to your school, neighborhood or zip code. Social Media sites and blogs can be a great source of information.  A bit of foreshadowing (yes, I know real authors don’t announce that either), next time we will learn about subscribing to blogs. J

To be continued………

- - - IT Girl

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